To help your small business friends with the help of Yahoo Finance for you, here are 

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11 Small Business Tax Deductions Worth Knowing About!

If you're using part of your home as office space, you can able to deduct those expenses.

Home office deduction

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You can claim your taxes for the research and investigation you need for your small business.

Startup costs

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Rental payments on your commercial property are deductible.

Rent Payment

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Any type of software you purchase for business use can be deducted from your tax return.

Software Purchasing

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Meals during client dinners, conferences or business trips, & board meetings.

Business meals Expenses

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Like meal expenses, Business Travel Trips are also deductible: 11 Small-Business Tax Deductions You Need to Know!

Business Travel Expenses

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If you own a vehicle and are using only for business, you can claim a deduction for all costs.

Business vehicle

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All Salaries to full-time & part-time W-2 employees are fully deductible, also commissions and bonuses.

Employee salaries & labors

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Any Business Insurance Expenses related to normal operations are also deductible.

Business Insurance

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You are also allowed to take tax deductions on marketing and advertising.

Advertising and marketing

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Last but not least, you can deduct your contributions to a retirement plan, as long as the plan is tax-deductible.

Retirement contributions

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What are the 10 sources of finance for new startups in India: Zlfix Finance

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