From mouth-watering shawarmas to delicious falafel, fragrant Al Haris, and delicious Al Machbous, here are the 

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Top 10 Most Popular Dubai (UAE) Foods: Dubai Street Foods

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10. Manousheh

A popular Levantine food that is similar to a pizza made from dough topped with cheese or ground meat.

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9. Luqaimat

Delicious Middle Eastern fried mini donuts that are very popular in Ramadan.

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8. Knafeh

A traditional Middle Eastern dessert filled with sweet cheese.

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7. Ghuzi

Made from whole roasted lamb or mutton, Ghuzi is a national dish of the UAE.

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6. Machboos

A classic Middle Eastern dish, spicy rice cooked in chicken broth.

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5. Sangak

A type of Persian flatbread cooked on a bed of hot stones.

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4. Harees

Made from chicken/lamb & some spices, Alissa/Harris is a one-pot wheat porridge.

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3. Chebab

Chebad Emirate pancakes, seasoned with warm spices such as saffron & cardamom.

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2. Mahahabiya

Mahalabiya (Milk Custard With Strawberry Compote)

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1. Esh Asaraya

Arabic sweets that you will definitely like in Dubai.

Top 10 Mexican Food Recipes: Traditional Mexican Street Foods

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